Keep it Up!

Tactical Problem: Spacial awareness and moving to a correct position from which to pass the ball.  Passing to a specific area.
Skill development: Use of overhead pass.  Correct passing form and passing to a target.

Teaching Points:

 Ball must be hit high to partner to allow for more time
 for correct positioning. 

 Must get behind the ball and face up to the target. 


  • Place hands on hips, thumbs pointing back, fingers spread.
  • Keeping hands in same position, lift hands and look through window made by index fingers and thumbs (about 5 cm. apart). 
  • Hands slightly above forehead.
  • Head up and keep eyes on ball.
  • Move under the ball.
  • Contact ball with fingertips
  • Keep elbows flexed and wide.
  • Place weight evenly on both feet, knees bent, feet shoulder width apart.
  • Arms give while watching ball.

Organizational Points: 
  • Groups of two.
  • One find space on floor, partner get a volleyball.
  • Use all available space.
  • Keep ball up continuously between partners.
  • To simplify add a one bounce rule.
  • To extend play back and forth over the net. 
  • Modification:  If not enough volleyballs, increase group size.